jQuery Templating - Nested Collections

posted on 23 Apr 2011 | jQuery

Was asked me a couple of weeks ago if it was possible to have nested collections in a jQuery template. Well you can! The sample code kind of buries the ability since it tries to demonstrate too many things at once. But it's rather simple.

{{"{{each *array*"}}}}

So assuming we have a simple json object like...

var people = [
        firstName: "James",
        favouriteColours: [ 
            { colorName: "green" },
            { colorName: "red" }
        firstName: "Jack",
        favouriteColours: [
            { colorName: "blue" },
            { colorName: "red" }
        firstName: "Jim",
        favouriteColours: [
            { colorName: "blue" },
            { colorName: "black" },
            { colorName: "white" }

We can iterate over the people and then their favourite colours by using each in the template like so:

<script id="sample" type="text/x-jquery-tmpl">
    Name: ${firstName} <br />
        {{"{{each favouriteColours"}}}}
    <hr />

You're not limited to 1 level of collections, if you had many levels you can have an each inside an each... inside an each. But that would be getting silly.

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